An idiot heading to England

I may be studying at Oxford, but I love watching Crayon Shin-Chan

Location: New York, United States

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Knock on the Head

I'd been feeling rather unmotivated since the beginning of my DPhil project. It's mainly because my project hasn't got much to do with cancer, and the techniques involved are rather laborious and repetitive. My progress has been stalled for who knows how long, probably since I first started. It doesn't help either that my supervisor is quite slack, despite being very approachable and positive, and gives me no pressure at all. So, I've been in this prolonged "hangover" state from the half a year break after honours. My brain has been blank and unwilling to take in anything I've read (which isn't that much) or heard during seminars and meetings.

Then something kicked in this weekend. There is suddenly an urge of learning in me. I realise that I have to accept the project as it is, instead of envying what other people have and spending endless time on searching for things that will never happen. I need to wake up now, start taking control of the progress and be the inspired student I once was.

Hopefully this rush of eagerness will last for long. IT HAS TO.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you!

edit: "I once were" ; )

9:28 PM  
Blogger Anderson said...

Thanks. The mistake is corrected.

It didn't last for long. I'm procrastinating again...

I think My bloody enzymes have died. Ie my project is dead.

1:41 PM  

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